Accounting Resources: Top business databases

Databases and other resources that support accounting and information systems research.

KU Libraries Databases


The following databases are all available from the KU Libraries.  Remote access is possible via authentication using the KU online ID.


Provides abstracts of articles on business and management from U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines, and regional business publications. Full-text articles are available for a significant portion of journals indexed. The subscription includes access to ABI/INFORM Dateline, Global, Trade & Industry, and Archive.

Business Insights: Essentials

Provides business and industry content in the following areas: periodical articles, news articles, and press releases; detailed information for domestic and international companies and associations, including information on corporate hierarchical structures; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews; HR Law Case Digests.

Business source complete

This database provides full text from more than 7,400 scholarly business journals (over 1,100 are peer-reviewed) and periodicals covering management economics, finance, accounting, international business and more. Business Source Premier contains full text from the world's top business journals and is particularly strong in both management and marketing, including Harvard Business Review and California Management Review. The database also holds country economic reports from the EIU, DRI-WEFA, ICON Group and CountryWatch. Business Source Premier contains expanded indexing and abstract backfiles for 300 top scholarly business journals dating back to 1965, or the first issue published (whichever is more recent). Additional full text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports from Datamonitor, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.

LexisNexis academic

Provides access to: full-text of current news and up to the last 20 years; full-text company news & financial information; full-text federal, state & international legal materials; full-text and abstracted medical & health information; general reference sources.


FRAANK (Financial Reporting and Auditing Agent with Net Knowledge) gets financial information from 20K and 10Q, parses them, and populates an Excel spreadsheet. Seek-Inf (Search Engine for Extracting Knowledge from Industrial Filings) searches for non-financial and financial information from the following SEC filings: 8K, 10K, 10Q, 13F, DEF, 14A, S-1, Comment Letters, Response Letters, 20F, 40F, and AAERs.

Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage

A comprehensive source of business and investment information that offers online access to Standard & Poor's research-related products such as industry surveys, stock reports, corporation records, The Outlook, mutual fund reports and more. NetAdvantage offers screening tools, private company information, and the ability to download data into spreadsheet programs for further analysis. Dates of coverage: Current with some older information (back to 4 years).

Wall Street journal

The financial newspaper of record offering in-depth coverage of national and international finance as well as first rate coverage of hard news. Coverage extends from 1984 to 24 hours ago.

Subject Guide

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Carmen Orth-Alfie
University of Kansas Libraries
Watson Library
(785) 864-8929