Subjects & Symbols in Art: Image Collections Searchable by Subject

Resources for searching for specific topics and names as depicted in artworks.


Iconclass Indexes

Five series of volumes are currently being published that provide iconographic access to paintings and prints. The current series are: Early German Prints; Early Netherlandish Painting; Rembrandt and his School; Dutch Prints; and Italian Prints. KU owns all the available volumes and they can be located using the Library Catalog.

Index Iconologicus


The Decimal Index to the Art of the Low Countries (D.I.A.L.) is a collection of 7,500 photographs of Dutch and Flemixh paintings, drawings and prints from the period roughly 1400-1700. The photographs were selected and indexed by the University of Leiden and the Netherlands Institute for Art History at the Hague.  

Every photograph is supplemented with the following information in English: the name of the artist or the school to which the work can be attributed; measurements, signature and date (if any), existing basic literature on and location of the work; the title of the subject; and a photonumber "Rijksbureau". In addition, each photograph has an Iconographic-Index number printed at the top left corner. This number corresponds to a specific subject, as presented in Iconclass, the iconographic system composed by Dr. H. van de Waal of Leiden University, and colleagues.  

D. I. A. L. is an excellent research tool for those persons working with iconographic themes in late medieval and Renaissance Dutch and Flemish art. The collection is approached by knowing the Iconclass number for the subject desired. The photographs themselves are filed by Iconclass number. At the Univ. of Kansas, the D.I.A.L. collection is located in locked cabinets within the Art & Architecture Library. Ask at the desk to check out the cabinet keys.

Index of Christian Art

Digital Image Collections

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