For more information about the importance of citing sources and how to avoid plagiarism visit the KU Writing Center's Academic Integrity page.
If you are interested in learning about Copyright try the links below to get you started.
There are many ways to cite images. Most important is to include all relevant information so others can locate, understand, and evaluate any images you use. To make citing easier, keep track of the following when conducting research.
Example image citation in Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition:
1. First name Last name of creator, Title of Work, date of creation or completion, medium, Name of Institution, location, URL.
See Chicago Manual of style entry 14.235: Citing paintings, photographs, and sculpture.
To cite an image included as a numbered illustration in another publication, see 14.158 int he Chicago Manual of Style, an example of this format is below.
1. First name Last name of creator, Title of Work, (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number, figure number.
For more in-depth information see the online guide created by Simon Fraser University, Citing tables, figures, and images: Chicago (17th ed).
The KU Writing Center provides a number of helpful guides on writing academic essays, using research, and formatting.
For this course you are being ask to use the Chicago Manual of Style to cite your sources. Below are some links to online style gudies.